Mui Kee Congee Singapore Menu

Mui Kee Congee Menu Singapore | Updated Prices 2024


Dive into a culinary voyage at Mui Kee Congee Menu Singapore, where tradition dances with innovation in every bite. Experience the essence of Cantonese cuisine through velvety congee infused with rich flavors and delectable dim sum delights. Immerse yourself in a world of comfort and culinary delight, where each dish promises to awaken your senses and leave you craving for more. Explore the perfect blend of heritage and modernity at Mui Kee Congee Menu Singapore, where every meal is a celebration of timeless flavors and culinary craftsmanship.

Mui Kee Congee Singapore Menu 2024

Step into a world of culinary delight with the Mui Kee Congee Singapore Menu, a haven for lovers of traditional Cantonese cuisine and innovative flavors. The menu boasts an array of tantalizing options that promise to satisfy every palate:

Combo Meals: Indulge in perfectly curated combinations of congee, noodles, and side dishes for a complete and satisfying meal experience.

Premium Congee: Delight in silky-smooth congee infused with premium ingredients and rich, comforting flavors, crafted to perfection.

Dry Noodles: Explore the aromatic world of dry noodles tossed in flavorful sauces and topped with an array of delectable toppings for a burst of taste in every bite.

Premium Dry Noodles: Elevate your noodle experience with premium dry noodles featuring exquisite ingredients and bold, robust flavors that leave a lasting impression.

Claypot: Experience the warmth and depth of flavors in claypot dishes that showcase the essence of Cantonese cooking, served with a touch of authenticity and flair.

Dessert: Indulge your sweet tooth with a selection of delectable desserts, ranging from traditional favorites to innovative creations that offer a perfect ending to your meal.

Cold Beverage: Quench your thirst with a refreshing cold beverage, from traditional herbal teas to modern twists on classic drinks that complement your meal perfectly.

Congee: Dive into a comforting bowl of congee, simmered to perfection and bursting with savory goodness, served with an array of tantalizing toppings to suit every taste.

Noodle Soup: Immerse yourself in the comforting embrace of noodle soup, featuring delicate noodles bathed in flavorful broth and served with a medley of fresh ingredients.

Premium Soup Noodles: Savor the richness of premium soup noodles, featuring hearty broths and premium ingredients that elevate the noodle experience to new heights.

Pleated Cheung Fun: Indulge in the delicate texture of pleated cheung fun, stuffed with savory fillings and served with a drizzle of aromatic sauce for a delightful burst of flavor.

Side Dish: Enhance your meal with a selection of tantalizing side dishes, from crispy fried treats to refreshing salads that add an extra dimension of taste and texture to your dining experience.

Beverage: Complete your meal with a refreshing beverage, whether it’s a classic Chinese tea or a modern concoction designed to tantalize your taste buds and refresh your senses.

  • Combo Meals
  • Premium Congee
  • Dry Noodles
  • Premium Dry Noodles
  • Claypot
  • Dessert
  • Cold Beverage
  • Congee
  • Noodle Soup
  • Premium Soup Noodles
  • Pleated Cheung Fun
  • Side Dish
  • Beverage

Mui Kee Congee Combo Meals menu

Combo A Serves 2-3 PaxS$55.00
Combo B Serves 2-3 PaxS$66.00

Mui Kee Congee Congee menu

Garoupa BellyS$18.20
Sliced GaroupaS$14.50
Sliced BeefS$12.10
Dace Fish BallsS$12.10
Pork InnardsS$10.80
Century Egg & Sheddered Lean MeatS$10.80
Homemade Pork MeatballsS$12.10
Mui Kee Congee Menu

Mui Kee Congee Premium Congee menu

Alaskan Crab LegsS$29.50
Hokkaido ScallopsS$29.50
Braised Baby AbaloneS$27.10
Hokkaido Scallops & Braised Baby AbaloneS$29.50
Threadfin BellyS$24.60
Frog LegsS$22.10
Sliced ThreadfinS$22.10

Mui Kee Congee Noodle Soup menu

Dace Fish Balls NoodleS$12.10
Sliced Fish With Dace Fish Balls NoodleS$13.30
Sliced Garoupa NoodleS$14.50
Garoupa Belly NoodleS$18.20

Mui Kee Congee Dry Noodles menu

Dace Fish BallS$12.10
Slice Garoupa & Dace Fish BallsS$13.30
Sliced GaroupaS$14.50
Garoupa BellyS$18.20
Beef BrisketS$15.80
Mushrooms With Oyster SauceS$14.50
Minced Pork Noodle In Bean SauceS$13.30

Mui Kee Congee Premium Soup Noodles menu

Hokkaido ScallopsS$29.50
Braised Baby AbaloneS$27.10
Threadfin BellyS$24.60
Sliced ThreadfinS$22.10

Mui Kee Congee Premium Dry Noodles menu

Hokkaido ScallopsS$29.50
Braised Baby AbaloneS$27.10
Threadfin BellyS$24.60
Slice ThreadfinS$22.10

Mui Kee Congee Pleated Cheung Fun menu

Beef BrisketS$9.50
Roasted Duck & Preserved VegetablesS$9.50
Sakura ShrimpS$8.30
Fried FrittersS$8.30
Peanut & Sesame SauceS$7.10

Mui Kee Congee Claypot menu

Beef Brisket ClaypotS$32.00
Plain Congee For 1 To 2 PersonS$6.20

Mui Kee Congee Side Dish menu

Drunken Chicken In Shaoxing WineS$13.30
Poached Hong Kong Kai LanS$11.00
Pan Fried Dace Fish CakeS$12.30
Mushrooms With Oyster SauceS$12.30
Pan Fried Beancurd SkinS$8.60
Soft-Centered Century Egg With Pickled GingerS$3.40
Crispy Dough FrittersS$3.40
Fried WontonS$9.80

Mui Kee Congee Dessert menu

Grass Jelly with LonganS$4.70
Tau SuanS$4.70

Mui Kee Congee Beverage menu

Hong Kong Milk CoffeeS$3.50
Hong Kong Milk TeaS$3.50
Hong Kong Black CoffeeS$3.50
Hong Kong Tea (No Milk)S$3.50
Yuan Yang (Tea & Coffee Mix)S$3.50
Homemade BarleyS$3.50
Homemade Iced Citron TeaS$3.50
Homemade Snow Chrysanthemum Red Dates TeaS$3.50
Chinese TeaS$2.50

Mui Kee Congee Cold Beverage menu

Coke ZeroS$3.50
Bottled WaterS$2.50

Mui Kee Congee Singapore Menu gift box

Gift Box ItemDescription
Premium Congee SamplerExperience the rich flavors of Mui Kee’s premium congee with a curated selection of signature varieties.
Dry Noodles AssortmentIndulge in the aromatic delights of Mui Kee’s dry noodles, featuring a variety of flavorful combinations.
Dessert SelectionEnjoy a sweet finale with a selection of Mui Kee’s delectable desserts, showcasing traditional and modern treats.
Beverage AssortmentQuench your thirst with a refreshing assortment of beverages, from traditional teas to modern concoctions.
Side Dish SamplerEnhance your meal with a variety of tantalizing side dishes, ranging from crispy delights to refreshing salads.

Mui Kee Congee Singapore Menu App specifications

User RegistrationEffortless account creation for personalized experiences, including order history and tailored preferences.
Menu NavigationSeamless browsing through intuitive categories for congee, noodles, desserts, beverages, and side dishes.
Customizable OrdersTailor orders to taste with customizable options for toppings, portion sizes, and dietary preferences.
Order PlacementConvenient options for delivery or pickup, with scheduling capabilities to fit individual preferences.
Payment IntegrationSecure payment integration supporting a variety of methods for smooth and hassle-free transactions.
Loyalty ProgramRewarding loyalty program with points for purchases, offering discounts and exclusive perks upon redemption.
Order TrackingReal-time tracking to monitor order status, providing updates from kitchen preparation to doorstep delivery.
Feedback and ReviewsUser-friendly system for leaving feedback and reviews, fostering engagement and sharing of dining experiences.
Push NotificationsTimely notifications for order updates, promotions, and special offers to keep users informed and engaged.
Social Media IntegrationSeamless integration with social media platforms for sharing experiences, connecting with the community, and staying updated on news and events.
Accessibility FeaturesInclusive features such as text resizing, voice commands, and screen reader compatibility for accessibility across diverse user needs.

Mui Kee Congee Singapore Menu VS 85 Redhill menu singapore

AspectMui Kee Congee Singapore Menu85 Redhill Menu Singapore
CuisineTraditional Cantonese cuisine with a focus on congee and noodles.Singaporean-Chinese cuisine with a wide range of local dishes.
Signature DishPremium congee varieties featuring rich flavors and textures.Signature dishes such as Hainanese Chicken Rice and Laksa.
Menu VarietyEmphasis on congee, dry noodles, and dim sum delicacies.Diverse menu offering local favorites like noodles, rice, and seafood dishes.
Dining ExperienceCasual dining atmosphere with a focus on comfort and tradition.Casual dining setting suitable for families and large groups.
PricingModerate pricing reflective of the quality and authenticity.Affordable options catering to various budgets.
Beverage SelectionLimited selection of traditional teas and refreshing drinks.Wide range of beverages including local favorites and refreshing beverages.
Accessibility FeaturesBasic features for ease of use and navigation.Basic features with a focus on simplicity and functionality.
Social Media PresenceActive presence on social media platforms, engaging with customers.Limited presence on social media platforms.

food philosophy of Mui Kee Congee Singapore Menu

The food philosophy of Mui Kee Congee Singapore Menu is deeply rooted in the rich traditions of Cantonese cuisine, blending authenticity with innovation to create a culinary experience that transcends time and culture.

  • Celebration of Tradition: Mui Kee Congee embraces the rich traditions of Cantonese cuisine, honoring classic recipes and culinary techniques passed down through generations.
  • Innovation with Authenticity: While rooted in tradition, the menu also showcases innovative interpretations of Cantonese favorites, blending authenticity with modern culinary flair.
  • Emphasis on Quality: Each dish is crafted with the highest quality ingredients, sourced locally and globally, to ensure a superior dining experience.
  • Focus on Congee: Central to the menu is the humble congee, elevated to new heights with meticulous preparation, premium ingredients, and a symphony of flavors and textures.
  • Diverse Culinary Offerings: Beyond congee, the menu features a diverse array of Cantonese delicacies, including dim sum, noodle soups, claypot dishes, and more.
  • Hospitality and Community: Mui Kee Congee is not just a restaurant but a place where diners are welcomed like family, fostering a sense of community and connection over shared meals.
  • Comfort and Warmth: The restaurant’s inviting atmosphere and warm hospitality create a dining experience that feels like coming home, inviting diners to slow down, savor each bite, and connect with the timeless flavors of Cantonese cuisine.

This food philosophy underscores Mui Kee Congee’s commitment to honoring tradition, embracing innovation, and providing diners with an unforgettable culinary journey that celebrates the essence of Cantonese cuisine.

social responsibility of Mui Kee Congee Singapore Menu

The social responsibility of Mui Kee Congee Singapore Menu extends beyond the confines of its kitchen, encompassing various initiatives aimed at making a positive impact on the community and the environment.

  • Sustainable Sourcing: Mui Kee Congee prioritizes sustainable sourcing practices, opting for locally produced ingredients whenever possible. By supporting local farmers and producers, the restaurant reduces its carbon footprint and contributes to the local economy.
  • Reducing Food Waste: The restaurant is committed to minimizing food waste by implementing strategies such as portion control, responsible inventory management, and creative menu planning. Surplus food is often repurposed or donated to local charities to ensure that it doesn’t go to waste.
  • Community Engagement: Mui Kee Congee actively engages with the local community through various outreach programs and partnerships with non-profit organizations. This may involve organizing charity events, providing meals for the less fortunate, or supporting community initiatives that align with its values.
  • Employee Welfare: The restaurant prioritizes the well-being of its employees by offering fair wages, providing opportunities for career development and advancement, and fostering a safe and inclusive work environment. By investing in its workforce, Mui Kee Congee ensures that its employees are valued and empowered to succeed.
  • Environmental Conservation: Mui Kee Congee takes proactive steps to minimize its environmental impact by implementing eco-friendly practices such as reducing plastic usage, recycling, and energy conservation. These efforts contribute to the preservation of natural resources and help mitigate climate change.
  • Customer Education: The restaurant takes the opportunity to educate its customers about social and environmental issues through various channels, such as menu descriptions, social media posts, and in-house signage. By raising awareness, Mui Kee Congee encourages its customers to make informed choices that support sustainability and social responsibility.

what is the food quality of Mui Kee Congee Singapore Menu.

The food quality of Mui Kee Congee Singapore Menu is renowned for its excellence, blending tradition with innovation to create a culinary experience that delights the senses. What distinguishes its food quality is below:

  • Finest Ingredients: Mui Kee Congee meticulously selects the finest, freshest ingredients, sourced locally and globally, ensuring every dish bursts with flavor and freshness.
  • Heritage Recipes: The menu features cherished recipes passed down through generations, preserving the authentic taste and essence of Cantonese cuisine. Each dish is a tribute to culinary tradition and craftsmanship.
  • Crafted with Precision: Skilled chefs at Mui Kee Congee dedicate themselves to crafting each dish with precision and care. From the slow simmering of congee to the precise seasoning of noodles, every detail is attended to with meticulous attention.
  • Consistent Excellence: Mui Kee Congee maintains unwavering standards of quality, ensuring that every visit guarantees the same level of excellence in taste, texture, and presentation.
  • Personalized Experience: While rooted in tradition, Mui Kee Congee also offers options for customization, allowing diners to tailor their orders to their preferences. This personalized approach ensures that every dish is perfectly suited to individual tastes.

why people love Mui Kee Congee Singapore Menu.

People love Mui Kee Congee Singapore Menu for a myriad of reasons, each contributing to its widespread acclaim and loyal following:

  • Authenticity: Mui Kee captures the essence of Cantonese cuisine with its authentic recipes and flavors, transporting diners to the heart of Hong Kong’s culinary scene.
  • Comfort and Nostalgia: Congee, a staple comfort food, holds a special place in many people’s hearts, evoking memories of home-cooked meals and family gatherings. Mui Kee’s rendition, with its silky-smooth texture and rich, comforting flavors, resonates deeply with diners seeking warmth and familiarity.
  • Quality and Craftsmanship: Every dish at Mui Kee is meticulously prepared using premium ingredients and time-honored techniques, ensuring a consistently high standard of taste and quality that keeps diners coming back for more.
  • Cultural Experience: Dining at Mui Kee is not just about the food; it’s an immersive journey into Cantonese culinary traditions and culture. From the aroma of simmering pots to the bustling atmosphere, every aspect of the dining experience reflects the rich heritage of Hong Kong cuisine.
  • Community and Connection: Mui Kee fosters a sense of community among diners, providing a welcoming environment where people from all walks of life come together to share a meal and create lasting memories. Whether dining solo or with loved ones, everyone feels like part of the Mui Kee family.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mui Kee’s Signature Fish Belly Congee is a must-try, renowned for its rich flavors and silky smooth texture that’s bound to delight your taste buds.

Yes, vegetarians can savor the flavorful Vegetarian Congee packed with fresh vegetables and aromatic herbs for a hearty and satisfying meal.

Absolutely, indulge in delectable toppings like crispy youtiao (Chinese fried dough), century egg, or succulent sliced pork to elevate your congee experience.

Mui Kee prides itself on its traditional Cantonese cooking techniques and secret family recipes passed down for generations, ensuring an authentic and unforgettable dining experience.

Start your day right with Mui Kee’s Breakfast Congee options, featuring classics like Pork and Century Egg Congee or the ever-popular Chicken Congee with a side of crispy fritters.

Mui Kee Congee Singapore Location & Opening Hours


1, 01-12 Scotts Rd, Shaw Centre,

Singapore 228208

Opening Hours:  

Tuesday       11:30 AM To 2:30 PM, 5:30 To 9 PM

Wednesday 11:30 AM To 2:30 PM, 5:30 To 9 PM

Thursday 11:30 AM To 2:30 PM, 5:30 To 9 PM

Friday 11:30 AM To 2:30 PM, 5:30 To 9 PM

Saturday 8 AM To 9 PM

Sunday 8 AM To 9 PM

Monday 11:30 AM To 2:30 PM, 5:30 To 9 PM

Phone: +65 6737 2422

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